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March 21-22nd


weareoneconf.com 〰️ March 21-22nd 〰️

  • Jesus.

    Unfortunately, it’s really easy to make Christianity about everything but Christ. For us, this is all about Jesus, period. He’s not only the end goal of our journey; He’s the starting point of it all. In this House, Jesus is both the Author and Finisher of our faith.

  • Faith Has 20/20

    We are a ministry that believes that faith has eyes. The future belongs to those who long to see Jesus and see like Him. Because we value vision, we write it and read it, so that when our lungs catch the fire of faith, our legs run with it.

  • We Get To Serv

    Just as the Son of Man came packaged from Heaven as a servant and exemplified with every breath what it means to love through our actions, we, too, long to follow His example and SERV. This is our greatest honor in life. It is not an obligation, but an opportunity.

  • Circles Last Forever

    Life isn’t meant to be done in rows; we were made for circles. Through intentional, close-knit, and like-minded relationships, we not only grow closer to one another, but each day, we draw closer to Him. Just as iron sharpens iron, we believe that the strength of our community is found in our desire for unity.

  • We Like to Party

    If we wanted to live stuffy, then we’d catch a cold. We believe that Church should be the most fun, poppin’ place on planet earth where we can party with a purpose. God is the Inventor of it so it belongs in His presence with His people; it was never made for clubs, dance floors, or bars…it was made for His House.

  • Expression Invites Encounter

     From the origin of it all, humans have found themselves expressing eternity without even recognizing it because everything that has breath praises God. We believe that every creative display of sound, color, and movement was born in Heaven, so we are not only zealous about novel ideas, but we live for the moment to imitate our Creator.

  • Kingdom > House

    Although the evidence of the Holy Spirit is evident in this House, we know that Jesus is not exclusive to us. We are just one House of many that make up His Kingdom. So rather than fixate our attention on only what He is doing here, we long to reach people and serve people in a way that extends beyond these four walls. This is not about us, but we know the Kingdom starts here.

  • Moments Make Movements

    If we look back on the timeline of our existence, there are only a few pivotal points that will be remembered. Rather than forming our own highlight reel of picture-perfect memories, we choose to focus on the real, raw, and relational moments that have and will continue to allow God to mark us. We believe that in any moment God can move, so we move in every moment like He’s going to.